Saturday, July 25, 2009

Blessings for the Africa team.

Dear Linda,
This is for you and your team.
I don't have a list so you will need to forward.

Father God,
We are so thankful for all those traveling to Africa to share Your heart and be Your hands and feet. Bless them, equip them, protect them from harm and keep them in good health. Watch over those they leave behind and open every door needed for smooth entry, time spent and exit. In the authority of Jesus' mighty name we cast out all fear and say no plan of the enemy will succeed. May they find favor in Your sight and in every situation that it is needed. Surround them with heavenly hosts, be their front and rear guard day and night and make their path and Your signs, very clear. Thank you LORD for their willingness to travel the world to love. We bless Your name and to You be the glory.
In Jesus' Name,

And He said to them, “When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?”
So they said, “Nothing.”
Luke 22:35

LORD - You provide and daily we overlook Your provision.

Daily we take for granted
the flowing water
that allows us to brush our teeth
and wash our hair.

Some people live lives without ever
having bathed...where the only
running water they're familiar
with is that which
comes straight from the heavens
or rushes down from the mountains.

And yet...You cleanse us LORD.

Daily we take for granted
closets and drawers full of
ways to dress ourselves in order to
brave the elements.

Some people have no choices
to make in what to wear. What they have
may have to last until "who knows
when," or beyond the point of threadbare.

And yet...You clothe us LORD.

Daily we ingest our choice of
sustenance and shove
uneaten portions in receptacles
labeled "trash."

Some people could survive a
a week what we've chosen to discard
in one meal. They know what it is to "hunger."

And yet...You nourish us LORD.

Daily we are in touch with our world
through various forms of technology
such as television, phones, newspapers,
computers and books.
Opportunities for learning are taken
for granted and lost over that which "entertains" us.

Some people have never been 10 miles
from where they were born, seen a classroom or
had the means to give their children a
better life.

And yet...You supply us LORD.

Daily we cry out because our means of travel
breaks down, our bodies don't function
optimally or our credit cards have reached
their limit.

Some people have never travelled any other way but
"on foot," received medical treatment but
for compassionate medically trained missionaries,
or even had a use for money - for in their culture they
simply give order to receive.

And yet You provide LORD.

Father God,
Daily You are with us...all around us
and we don't see...
all that has been provided...
so faithfully and so free.

Your beauty has been covered up
by all we think we desperately "need."
Your provision goes unnoticed and our
wants have become a form of "greed."

Forgive us LORD for always having
"more than enough," yet being
"never satisfied."

You have given us the World and
all that is within it. In so many ways
those with the greatest lack and
simplest lives are truly
the ones with the greatest blessing.
They know the source of their
provision and they know what
it means to be grateful.
There could not be a way to live
in such great need without a
heart that appreciates each small
thing ...You meet them daily where
they are - for You are seen by
those who search for You.
Help us to look at the ways You provide
with a fresh set of eyes. Help us
tear down everything that we've
erected that obscures the beauty
of Your provision. Maybe then, we
can quit depending on the things
you never truly provided in the first place.
Maybe then, we will finally see that all we
ever truly need is You - our Jehovah-Jireh.

Thank you LORD and bless those who look
to You for Provision.

In Jesus' Name,

This piece and prayer was inspired by those who travel the world to
bring medical attention and care to those in need. Faithfully
they go about their duties...the embodiment of His provision.
A special thanks to Woody with Pediatric Orthopedics of San Antonio,for sharing your story.

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