Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mother would not be happy.

This morning, after being told by the resident nurse that I had to start wearing shoes, I jumped backwards off a 110 meter waterfall. After following a stranger into the jungle of Sipi I tightened a rope around my waist and rappelled down the cliff, 15 yards from the fall. To get back to the resort Ryan and I followed a local up a vertical wall, in Chacos with mud up to my knees, and reached the sketchiest ladder I've ever seen. He told me to go first and, “do not get scared and wave your arms, the ladder will fall backwards.” The local then refused to use the ladder and took another trail. Might I add, when we reached the top and decided to race down the winding road, I kicked Ryan's butt.

Then we drove to what we all now feel as home in the worlds most chaotic traffic, where two lane roads are three cars wide and the yellow line down the middle is only suggested. Dodging potholes is a real talent, especially when the car coming towards you is doing the same and the goats don't give you any room to ride the shoulder.
After three U-turns in the middle of the highway we finally found the baboons, yes monkeys. Not only did these monkeys have teeth and snarl, but they ate bananas right out of your hand if you held them out the window far enough. Sorry mom, but today I hand fed a wild baboon.

After two and a half years of not eating meat, I picked Africa to start back up. Not wanting to offend Kyemba and his wife, I swallowed whole the large heaping of fish pieces I was served without a chance to deny. I've never been so thankful for unidentified starches. Tonight at dinner I used bug spray for the first time.

After a long day we are all exhausted and ready for bed. Time to go brush my teeth with the tap water and sleep in my dirty clothes. I love you mom.

Jaimie Piatnik


Megan said...

JAMIE MORGAN PIATNIK!!!! thank god the "resident nurse" told you to start wearing shoes... Parasites and wild monkeys!!!! I miss ya kid, and I miss you being able to have a crazy carelessness about your own safety in an environment like bulverde where I can correct you :)

Tami Piatnik said...

Oh, sweet Lord in Heaven above,, I pray your hedge of protection over this girl, your girl Jaimie. Only you can keep her safe from harm and disease. Amen

Tami Piatnik said...

Jaimie, this is your sister, Page. Yes, remember me? Mom almost had a heart attack reading this. Keep on. Love love love. P

Tami Piatnik said...

Hey Jaimie, we are saving the best for last, so this is Tucker (of course). We're all happy that Page came home and all... but seriously, I mean she's just been up the road, your homecoming will be way better. Anyway, I was laughing at the reactions of your parents during the blog reading, guess which one of them was in the middle of telling a joke (it actually wasn't the tik......tik......tik on either, something about a pirate). Anyway, we miss you a ton! Can't wait to hear all about it, I'm really looking forward to you Lauren Page and I all being in Sugar Land together. Be safe(ish)!


Anonymous said...

So thankful you are okay Jaimie! Tami, I have to admit after reading that first paragraph, I skipped down to the end to see who was writing the post while saying a prayer that it wasn't my child. :) Then, quickly said a prayer of peace for you and protection for Jaimie! What an adventure though. Can't wait to have our travelers home soon!

Michele said...

I'm SO glad you are doing well Jaimie! From my mother's heart and a little bit of wisdom on my side, I agree with Megan's "parasites and monkeys". All my parasitology and zoology classes are running rampent in my head! Shoes, bottled water and do not feed the wild animals! (although I would LOVE to see them all in person!!) Prayers and Love, Michele Woodman