Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Truth is Hard to Tell

I thought the blogging was done...but in my reflecting I feel there is something very important that I have not mentioned. I'm not sure why now except it is not my gift and I try very hard not to leave it up to me but to others to tell the story. I am a leader in almost every where I go but in this. I have good morals and God and church and family are very important to me. Someone needs to tell people about Jesus but that is not my gift so I pray that it doesn't get left up to me. But now I feel that I have to tell the truth that is in my heart.

You see I traveled half way around the world and had no problem sharing my heart; my love for my saviour; my love for Jesus Christ. Now I have never been one to preach to others because I truly hate to be preached to. I hope that the way I live shows my love. But I know many great people who give of themselves like no others and yet don't know our Lord. So just being a good person doesn't always reflect who we are and what we believe. We need to tell those we love about Jesus and yet sharing with those we love the most, and we most want to be saved, is the hardest thing for many of us. At least I know it is for me. I tend to shy away and not say a word. Someone aught to tell them about Jesus - they need to know. But that isn't my gift so you probably shouldn't leave that up to me. But if not for me than who. Who will tell the ones I love and who will tell your loved ones. So here I go. I am bearing my soul and I hope it changes just one life.

My children brought me to Christ and I will be forever indebted and grateful. One of my greatest regrets is that the roles weren't reversed and I didn't do that for them. None the less at this time it really doesn't matter. My faith has changed my world. I know now that I am never alone. I have faith to know that He will never leave me and the comfort in that is overwhelming. He knows me like no other and he hears me when I pray to Him even when my prayers seem so insignificant. He has wrapped me in his arms and He loves me even though I really don't deserve His love. He made me just as He did so in His eyes I am perfect in spite of all my perceived imperfections. Being able to share His love with my family is amazing and I wish I could share it with everyone I know and love. All I had to do to have this amazing gift be a part of my life was to believe that Jesus died on the cross for ME and accept him into my heart. Once I did nothing was ever the same. Don't get me wrong (and for those of you who know me well you can certainly confirm this many, many times over) I still do stupid things and say all the wrong things. But I know I am forgiven and thus get a clean slate to move forward. What a blessing. I would love to share my journey with anyone who asks for it is quite a journey. Every one needs to know and everyone needs to see, but you probably shouldn't leave it up to me! Remember it is not my gift.

The other reflection I had was the sameness and the difference in our two churches. At Riverside, a team of dedicated souls gets to church at 7 am to set up the stage for the music, the curtains to contain the church setting, the chairs, etc. We have a sound system, a screen to project the words to the music, the words from the Bible, and whatever else we may need and of course doughnuts to welcome the folks when they enter. We hand out programs with all the news of what is taking place during the coming week and we have both parking attendants and a welcoming committee. Though we worship in basically a play center we do everything we can to present a church atmosphere. In Iganga we worshipped in an empty building. On the front wall someone had written in big white letters "Spider Man". In smaller letters above it, it must have at one time read, "This is not a church". Someone had erased the not, so there is now a space between "This is" and "a church". They dragged in wooden benches with no backs where the kids sat 6-8 to a bench during the service. We have Glenn that leads our singing and worship time. They have a woman who leads there's but there are several groups of children that come up and not only sing but dance. No microphones - they just shout out their songs with dancing and smiles. The singing and dancing goes on for a good long time and they are in no hurry for it to end. There is no projector to show the words though there was a young boy pounding on a drum. When the benches are full the kids take to the floor. It is truly standing room only.

What I came away from church is that "church" is the same regardless of where you are. The important thing is that we worship our Lord and that can be done in any language in any building. There doesn't need to be an alter, the building doesn't have to be pretty, the language doesn't have to be understood. The truth is in our hearts and that can be done anywhere.

In closing, I'm sure there will be more revelations as I continue to sort through all my pictures and things come to mind. But for today telling about our Lord is NOT my gift and not something I am comfortable with. But I did it in Iganga with such a peaceful heart I just knew I had to do it here. I hope I have given some of you the courage to do the same. In His love, Sue

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