Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today was clinic...130+ files, pics, charts, eye exams, HIV test, polio, tetanus, and measles vaccines, vital signs, dental exams, and letters to sponsors.  Praise God...ZERO HIV positive


That's it for now. We're tired and going to bed.  We'll get back to creativity tomorrow. J


Love to all!









Megan said...

I am so in awe and amazed and jumping out of my skin! I was praying for the past month that the "signs and wonders" would be zero positive HIV tests.... It truly is a miracle

Tami Piatnik said...

How awesome! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

court garrison said...

Wow! Praise God is right!!! When you look at these kids bios, that's truly amazing! So thankful and excited yall are doing so much medical training and testing and such? Very needed! Love yall! We are praying

Jack and Joanie Dean said...

What an amazing gift from God. Be blessed in all your hands and feet do during your stay. We love you all...

Sue Henderson said...

Way to go team. First get the kids all comfortable and happy to see you, then BAM, stab'em in the arm.

Sounds like you guys must have worked your Tukus McGukus off today.

Good job! Praise God!