Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sex Ed. and Soccer

Today we woke up after some much needed rest and had a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs, potato's and toast. During breakfast we were listening to Phil explain who all the staff was and how they came to work for him when I looked around and noticed that Colton was missing. Now anyone who know Colton knows that this in not an unusual event :) We then heard music and looked out the front window and saw Colton out there playing his guitar and singing. He had about 20 little girls all around him and some of the neighborhood kids were scaling the wall to catch a glimpse of our resident rock star! My first thought was “this is why God has him here.” He has such a heart for these kids and I will admit he had me crying in my coffee. It was truly beautiful.

After breakfast Tamara gave a health talk to all the girls and all of the ladies in our group had the pleasure of assisting her. We talked to all of the girls about basic health and cleanliness and their changing bodies. We then dismissed the girls who were 12 and under so we could discuss some more sexual education. We had great presentation from Tamara explaining the symptoms and causes of many common STD's, and Susan did a wonderful job translating. It was actually pretty entertaining to watch because any time Susan had to translate something she was a bit uncomfortable with she would make a sound that reminded me of Billy Bob Thorton in Sling Blade....Ummmm Hmmmm ....! We also discussed how to avoid STD's by abstaining from sex until marriage. We handed out cards for the girls to write down any questions they had and were too embarrassed to ask. We were very impressed with the questions that came back. Many of them wanted to know more about HIV and AIDS. They had questions about the menstrual cycle and about infections. After the Q&A there were a couple of girls who came up to Tamara with symptoms of and infection they were concerned about and it ended up being just a common vaginal infection that is easily cured with some medication that we had with us. Without the information, these girls could have gone months before they said anything. Knowledge is power.
At about 2pm we went over to the boy's dorm to have lunch with the children. The team was treated to the same meal that the children eat twice a day. Posho (corn flour and water) and beans. After lunch we had a lot of time to play and socialize with the kids. It is very overwhelming because there are 149 of them. All of the kids want to talk to you and take a picture with you and want to know about their sponsor family. Believe me when I say the kids do know who you are and they treasure your letters. When I met my boy Eliya the first thing he asked me was “How is Lee? And Kaitlyn and Ryenn?”. I met a friend of mine's child who asked about her sponsors daughter's trip to camp which I am sure was mentioned in a letter. You would not believe how much you mean to them. You are their family.
The kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have their pictures taken. Sue and Amanda spent 3 solid hours taking pictures of the kids. The boys are quite the soccer players. Girls here do not play soccer, they play a game with a ball (tightly waded grocery bags) called Net Ball which is kind of like our basketball except they don't dribble. Colton, Ryan and Jamie played soccer with the boys and they were all pretty unsure about Jamie playing. Every time she got the ball they laughed. They called her “Muzungu” (translated as “white person”) until she scored a goal (which was pretty darn awesome to see) she must have gained some respect because from then on they called her “brunette”!
When we came back to the house, Tamara brought back some kids that needed some care. I helped her with some minor medical issues, but we did have one boy with a serious ear infection. When you see Tamara in nurse mode, you get the chance to experience a truly God given calling. She is pretty amazing. It has been so enlightening to see each of the team members gifts emerge. I could not have asked for a more amazing group of people to accompany me on this adventure.
In His Service,


Unknown said...

Thank you for the wonderful details nicole!!! What a gift to have medical care. That is new for our trips and a great addition. Equally valuable are those who will play phtograph vision cast etc! You guys are all amazing. Hope you are seeing the hand of God and His heart for these children! He is so faithful to call you all there to share your joy!! Love you guys! Linda

The Blevins' said...

Thank you Nicole for the beautiful post. I love that you all are providing these children with some much needed a place where these issues are commonly avoided, you are bringing God's power by speaking openly and truthfully. I am sure each of you is using your gifts for the glory of our king...whether that be caring for sick children, taking photographs, teaching, or playing soccer each of you is being used mightily. Thanks for your continued faithfulness.

Jen Taylor said...

SO FUN to hear from you guys and get different points of views! Thanks Nicole! We are all praying for all of you!

Tami Piatnik said...

WooHoo Jaimie! I know that you are loving this time and I pray you bring much happiness to those children and to your Lord.
Thank you all for your willingness to go and serve. And thanks for keeping us updated!

Ken Ramirez said...

Nicole, I am so jealous of you! Wish I could be there at Tamara's side (well, maybe not for the sex ed part). You all are only getting started. Can't wait to read more as the week progresses. Give Tamara a big hug for me!

Megan said...

Ummm Hmmm... You almost made me pee my pants with the image of Susan beig like Billy bob thorton!!!! That is so great. I knew it was gonna be powerful. Go team go... You know there was this other group of twelve once what's hat called?? Oh yea, church!! :) puttin some skin on Jesus, come on! I am so proud of you all, seriously.

Page's said...

Holding you all close to our hearts, Riverside Team as well as all of the Staff, Residents and Families there you are with! Thouroughly enjoying how connected we are to your daily adventures! Sending all our love and prayers!

Heidi said...

Nicole I appreciate your words so clearly describing a day in the life of your team and the children in Iganga. Tears sprung to my eyes reading my daughter's role in your efforts to help the poor and those in need of medical and health care. Bless you all as you bring your knowledge and care to these children. -Love, Mom