Saturday, May 31, 2008

at mitspe ramon

Well we have madeit through three days. Sorry we have not been blogging but we hae been just too tired. the plane ride over was fantastic. the plane was small and did not have personal tvs, so we got to watch P.S. I Love You. thanks to my lovely wife i have now seen it twice in one week, and am starting to question my masculinity. we finally arrived in Israel and jumped off the bus and into Gezer. it was a great first day, it was amazing how familiar it was even after two years. i could still pick out the tree we stopped under and even the places we left the path to trudge through the thistles, yes my legs are cut up. the next day we traveled through the shephelah revisiting Zorah, Azekah, Aijalon, Maresha, Elah, and a new stop at Lachish. i almost died walking up Zorah, it was as hard as I remembered it to be. And today was our first day in the desert. It was awsome to be at Arad again but one of the coolest things was revisiting Hadija's house, i could still remember the women, they haven't changed, but the kids have grown. Cathy's girl with the shoes on the wrong feet was there but she has grown. i almost couldn't believe it. then we went to Masada where everyone almost died, it was so hot, water is our friend. but we all made it and are rehydrating ourselves for tomorrow. tonight we are staying at Mitzpe Ramon and looked at the crater before we came to the hotel. we packed our over night bags so we can't upload any pictures but we will tomorrow night once we return to the dead sea, its still dead. i am beat and its my turn for the shower so i just want everyone to know we are fine and the trip is amazing, be writing more soon.


P.S. Brooke I love you


The Blevins' said...

I am confident that PS. I love you was just as good (if not better) the second time you saw it. Caleb, now you have seen the greatest chick flick should be proud.

The Blevins' said...

Hey i saw that the weather was only like 85 degrees there...i don't know what you are complaining about!!I It was 110 degrees when we were there last time... guess it must be hotter than the weather channel says.