Sunday, May 1, 2016

A lesson in empathy

Last minute changes in our schedule leave me alone in a foreign place. Tonight, our team is finishing up helping the Wilsons move out of their flat in Budapest. I stayed back in Beickse, our home for the next 5 nights, with Jayme, who needed some extra rest to get over jet lag.

So I sit alone in a quiet room that is not mine and find myself isolated from anyone and anything familiar. It is cold, unusual to me, empty of family, friends and any smells, sounds or visual comforts from home. Not trying to be dramatic or call for pity party. On the contrary, I think God is giving me the tiniest glimpse of how it might feel to be a refugee, far from home, support systems, comforts... It is lonely and sad. It feels empty and vulnerable.

The difference is I know my team returns in a few hours. I know I truly am not without physical provision. I know I will return to my family - my joy, very soon.

So thank you God for allowing me to sit in this experience, however briefly, and realize the spirit of strength and resiliency that must reside in these refugees to persevere countless months. I pray for the strength and courage to meet them where they are when we go to serve them tomorrow.



Scott Heare said...

Beautiful. i wonder a bit about the Exodus. It seems to me that G-D chose a sort of refugee status to build a nation. I'm wondering if you might have some insight as to why at the end of this... We miss you.

Scott and Cathi said...

Perhaps it is about dependence. When you are at end of yourself, you seek and rely on God and others in different way.

Unknown said...

Super sweet and thought provoking Cathi!!