Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hungary Day 7

   Today our worship time, instead of taking place in our room like it normally does, took place at the refugee detention center. Our team showed up 15 minutes early and sang to Jesus as the men started to trickle in. They sat beside us while we worshipped and while most probably didn't understand ¾ of what we were saying, seemed to enjoy the time together. 

   These are my favorite moments. The moments when we aren't divided by being either a teacher or a student, a boy or a girl, American or Iraqi. We are all just people who enjoy each other's company. 

   Today was a turning point for the team; we started to realize that we only had one and a half more days with our new friends. We were faced with the question, "How do we leave these people who need so much?" The men and women that we have met over the last week have become so much more than students in our makeshift English class. They have become friends to teach you how to play cricket even though you just know they are making fun of you in a language you can't understand, they have become brothers and sisters who have pasts so heavy that your heart breaks, they have become people you love. 

   Coming up on our last few days in Hungary, I would just ask for prayers that the people of the camp will realize that we are sharing the news of a God who not only accepts but pursues them in a world that treats them like less than nothing, and that team will be able to navigate how to say goodbye to people that we care so deeply about. 



The refugees telling us the stories about their travels while we teach about transportation. 

Sent from my iPhone

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