Friday, December 18, 2015

Hungary- The Journey Home

Today we are homeward bound.

I'm finding it incredibly hard to put into words what has happened this week. But if I could describe it in one word it would be, incredible. Getting to know and hear the stories from many of the refugees we met was powerful and such a privilege. Not everyone gets to have a firsthand look into what is happening in Europe, so we feel honored that we were able to. We're in route to Texas, and there are so many emotions. As hard as it is to leave, I know that the Lord has this and I'm grateful that these friends get to be a part of our story. 

In the next couple days, as we begin to process, I hope we will be able to tell their stories well. Because they are good, important, and help shed light into what life is really like for a refugee. These are people, with families, jobs, and dreams. Sometimes in the midst of the media, it's easy to forget that. It's easy to disconnect from it all, or to make our own opinions about the situation. But when you have sat across a table from someone who has fled for their life, you can't help but feel compassion and deep love for them. Their story becomes a part of you in ways you didn't even know possible. And you find yourself constantly asking the Lord, "how do we do embrace and love these people well?". 

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