Sunday, June 23, 2013

Saturday in Lesotho

Hi all! Yesterday was a long day. A week ago I fell and hit my knee on the edge of a converter. I thought that it was just badly bruised. However, night before last I felt a sharp pain.It had bothered me all day. The next morning I told Jo, and we decided I needed to see a doctor. We drove to Bloemfontein in South Africa to the hospital where Jo's doctor has an office. She sent me for ex rays there in the hospital, then over to an orthopedic surgeon. I've torn the inner meniscus and tendon on my right knee. I will need knee replacement sometime soon, though he could not do it now because of the inflamation. I now will be bringing home as souvenirs crutches and a leg brace. I must say that the care was very good. I also saw a physical therapist who taught me how to use the crutches properly, put some kind of pulsing disks on me and heat, and taught me exercises to be doing. We started out in Maseru at 7:30 in the morning and returned to Maseru about 9 that night, but that includes a rather long wait at the border. On a good note, Jayne Wilkins, AIM's AIDs/HIV coordinator came in from the mountains and spent the night on Jo's couch. she also borrowed the shower. Hot running water is a luxery for her. The drive down for her is 6 hours. I wasn't shure I'd get to meet her, but she needed supplies. It was so good to meet her in person. This morning two one on one's cancelled, so Jo, Jayne and I had a good visit. The two of them told incredible stories, of ministry, of survival, and of the culture here. Jayne had to leave fairly early to run errands and head back up. Tomorrow she will go over to where two other members of the team have been working to help them pack up and come down into town. So I will meet them. They are Bekah Larson and Merrill Short who have been working with the shepherds in the mountains. They have just finished getting shepherds to read the entire bible that they helped translate, not just into Sesotho, but into the narative form that they understand. It has been put onto solar powered 3mp players. The hope is that the small group of shepherds they have been working with will take the scriptures into the mountains of Lesotho to other shepherds. They should be here Monday. Please pray for me these next few days, as I adjust to crutches, and especially for the almost 30 hours of travel I will be doing starting Wed evening.  Well more than that if you take in the 4 hour drive to Joberg (not including a wait at the border.) Thank you so much for your prayers. Thank you so much for your support. I was overwhelmed when I first came, but now I'm not ready to leave. There is so much to learn, and so much ministry needing to be done. I thank God that I was able to be here, and Pray that He open the door for me to come again for a longer stay.
God be with you, Millie

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