Friday, January 17, 2014

First Day of Alpha Training in Hungary

Hello! My name is Genesis and I am on the Hungary trip.
So, to get you caught up, here I go!
We have travelled (by car) from Budapest, to Debrecen. Today we also did the first day of Alpha training:)
It ran very smoothly with only one mishap (that, thank goodness, did not disturb the whole turnout)
Haha! So, I, am prone to having things slightly go wrong:)
To start off, Hungary has very interesting lock systems that I don't quite understand. And yes, the bathroom had locks. And yes I managed to lock myself in.
Mind you, I don't know Hungarian, and all the people but the translaters and us speak English.
Hey, I may be a bit picky about my languages, but I'm stuck in a bathroom stall that is kind of like a small room, meaning that the doors and walls touch the floor...
At that point I felt very very stuck.
I'm in a foriegn country, with a foreign language, with foriegn locks.
But guess what. I looked up. No ceiling that touches the tops of two of my walls.
Great. Am I really going to have to climb on the toilet and hoist myself over the top and try to explain that I couldn't unlock it?
At that pivotal moment, someone walks in (before this I'm all alone in the bathroom)
I'm like, great, how am I going to explain to someone who, most likely, does not know English, that I'm "gracefully" climbing over the wall.
I try to put the key back into the lock and see if I can jiggle my way out.
Nope! Again. But, this time I hear a voice. An American, English speaking voice.
It's Cathi to save my day. Yet, she has no idea how to use these locks (I have the key on the inside)
My mom comes in, to help me in my rescue. And she decides that I will pass over the key.
Then the sweet Orsi (our female translater) comes in and proceeds to nicely unlock the door in one swift motion.
After the bathroom experience I had truly gotten my humble on:)
The training went so well! It was so interesting and amazing to be a part of their worship.
We sang (in Hungarian, but our team sing the words in English) 10,000 Reasons, and I Can Only Imagine.
It was so great to hear both Hungarian voices and language mix with our English.
It was truly beautiful.

To wrap up my post I just wanted to say that we are blessed to be here and to be a part of something amazing.
Have a wonderful (is it evening there?)
Ha! Have a wonderful day and night:)
-With love,
The Hungary team + Gen
(I mean I'm on the team just speaking for us all.


Jo said...

"However good or bad a situation is, it will change." Cass it seems to me that you kept your head and had figured out the solution. Good girl. But its always good to have friends around. Your story will be one that you will be able to tell your grand children. I pray that you have lots more stories and happy endings. Tell my dtr, Cathi and grandson, Ryan that I wish them well..Grandma Jo

Jo said...

Sorry Gen, got your name wrong in my last comment. Can't wait to met you when you return..G. Jo