Saturday, January 18, 2014

Too much sugar

These are our friends, Balazs, Bernadett, and Marko. We are staying with them tonight in Debercean. Tonight we finished up the alpha course here, it was very profound and powerful. Marko made us a killer celebratory lasagna. And Balazs, thought it weird that I put a lot of sugar in my tea. They also call diet coke "light" coke...crazy. It's really cool here in Hungary, the people are stellar. It's interesting to see the cultural differences. Another instance is that our cars are ludicrously too large. These guys are really fun and it's opened my eyes to how there are Christians all over the world. How nice of them to take us into their home and make us dinner! Overall we are having tons of fun! Miss all back home. God bless. -Ryan T. Heare

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