Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July 10th Blog

     Day 3 for us here in Uganda is coming to a close and the leaders of
Musana here in Iganga have taken a part of my heart. They are polite, kind,
inspired, resourceful, brilliant and have such a passion for Jesus Christ.
They are truly sent here by our God and they are truly the hands and feet
for Jesus here on earth. So inspiring for me to be a part of this journey.
      Everything they have accomplished over the last year is amazing and it
could have only been done by the will of God. They have added a whole wing
on to a Hospital, turned a farm into a new school across town for 250plus
students, built a new operational high school and added more classrooms to
the original Musana campus for K-5 grades. In my mind, I am in wonder of how
this could be reproduced across the world for all those in need. Musana for
sure is on a mission for Jesus to do this and I am so honored to get to take
part in it. 
    The children here have also taken a huge place in my heart as they are
loving, dedicated to their school work, responsible for their chores and
care about their future life. I feel that I have not really ministered to
them but they have ministered to me. They have shown, and told me, of how
lucky we are in the United States and that they desire to have the freedom
that we have. They all have dreams of what they want to do when they grow up
including being Dr,'s, Pilots, Teachers, Auto Mechanics, Electricians,
Athletes, Hair Stylist, Fashion Designers and more.  

     I truly feel that with the changes I see happening here in Uganda, with
democracies taking charge, hospitals improving, and so many private school
systems opening up, excelling and creating scholarships for those in need,
that God has a foothold on this land and is taking it back for the people.
We are going into a few more communities here in Uganda over the next 6 days
and my heart is eager to see what plans Jesus has for them here in the near
future as I know they are larger than we can imagine!!! 

Shalom, peace to all.

Best Regards,
Jason Gallas

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