Saturday, July 6, 2019

July 6th

Jumbo friends! 


Today was full of so much joy and fun! Today I started with a Uganda version of a donut and a short walk to see my great friends that I have made at the high school this past week. I have loved getting to develop relationship with a small group of girls.  After visiting with them we headed back to the guest house to meet up with the other team and Ronald and Dennis to walk into town.  As we all started on our way to Sol View  (Musana's restaurant) for lunch I hear someone yell "ahh" and as I turn around I see Sue laying on the ground. My first thought was to run and help her up. When we picked her up I saw that the camera lens was  in pieces and that the camera itself was a little broken. We were all worried about Sue and if she was alright and she was more worried about the camera. Sue is such a trooper and got right up and carried on trying not to worry anyone. We all took care of her and she only ended up with a good bruise on her leg and a scrape on her hand. Thank God! We continued on our way to Sol View without anyone else falling this time. We walked through the lumber district of Uganda. I love walking and seeing so many people making some many different things like bed and shelfs. Once we reached Sole we stopped for a couple minutes to rest and enjoy the beauty of soul view! 


After we were cooled down from the heat after a couple of minutes we kept walking in the amazing town. We walked through some back alley ways and crossed the road to get to the market where people where selling so many different things like shoes, clothes, bags, jewelry, and a ton of other things. Then we entered a different side of the market were you could buy bananas, jackfruit, pineapple, mango, and many other foods that I don't know what they were. I thought it was so cool to see two huge trucks full of a ton of bananas ready to buy. After we walked through the market we arrived at the government building. 


After we saw the building we started on our way back to Sol View for lunch which was amazing as always. After lunch we then headed to Bukona to listen to really African music and we all ended up dancing and having a huge party. I loved watching how in the beginning of that we were on one side and the locals were on one side and at the end we were all dancing and partying together as one huge family. The kids were so shy at the beginning and they kept getting closer and closer and I ended with kids hanging all over me and sitting in my lap. I loved how we could all dance and worship the same God even though we didn't speak the same language. One thing that has stuck with me all week has been Isaiah 12. 

We wish you are having as much fun as we are! 

Much love from Uganda 

Kylee Edmondson

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