Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Remember the children
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
the boys are back in town
we are home safely, with minor airport delays. it was a very long day as our wednesday has last some 32 hours. we traveled from 7:30pm tues Israeli time until i arrived at my house at 4:30pm wed texas time, there is an 8 hour difference which means 29 hours traveling. hopefully i will be able to post pics soon from the trip as it was hard to do in the limited time i had to blog. stay tuned for the next few days and i will put some on with explainations. thanks for all the prayers we can't wait to tell our story.
P.S. yes I still Love Brooke
Monday, June 9, 2008
good bye sweet Israel
Well we are at the air port and made it with only a few snags through customs. they didn't confiscate any of our special items which was very nice of them. we got to visit the temple mount today along with the mount of olives. we walked through the old city and visited gethsemane. today was great but we were so tired, we look like the trip of the living strun about the airport We are boarding soon and then the thirteen hour flight to new york which i will be removed from if we have to watch ps i love you again, or 27 dresses. so if those are the movies i may be detained a few more days. otherwise we will be there in a day and a little more than a half or so i don;t really know because of the time change. any way don't respond because i can't look again until i get home. it is very sad to leave but i look forward to seeing all of you.
P.S. brooke i love you
Sunday, June 8, 2008
the end of days
Well the days just keep getting better. Today we visited the temple mount and the southern wall. It is amazing to see it again, we didn’t go up to the western wall but hopefully tomorrow.
Then we went to Hezzekiah’s tunnel, it was colder than I remember, but still so cool. Only G-d could have connected those two tunnels. After that we went somewhere new, it was an amazing experience but heart breaking. We went to the Holocaust Museum. Boaz led this part of our trip giving up Shav’ uot with his family. There was a children’s memorial that had a dark room with four candles in it and mirrors so that there was 1 light for all the million and a half children killed in the Holocaust. They had pictures of some of them, we all wept. I thanked Boaz and all I could think to say was sorry as he had many relatives ed in the holocaust. then we traveled to Bethlehem and to the Herodian. We even got to see Herod's tomb tha was discovered a year ago, not even RVL has been where we went. and today is Shav'uot and the city is bustling. this would have been pentacost for the early christians the day the Spirt came and G-d wrote his word on the people's hearts. it is facinating to see all the peole dressed up for this major feast, coming from all over the world to celebrate in Jerusalem.
Tomorrow is our last day before the great plane ride home i am sad, but excited to see al of you again and share more in person as it is impossible to explain on a blog. it will also be nice to have some rest. I love you all and will pray for you tomorrow at the wall.
P.S. happy birthday Brooke, I will always Love You
Saturday, June 7, 2008
P.S. Brooke i love you
Friday, June 6, 2008
Good Bye Galilee
P.S. Brooke i still love you
I retrieved the lost chronicle scroll down the page and you will find it.
awesome day 8!
I hope everything is going well!
after Arbel
we are all exhausted and i have a sweet tan line, you will all be jealous. tonight is our last night in Galilee before we move to Jerusalem. I can't wait to see it again. I pray that many of you are seriously considering the October trip, my heart leaps at the idea of sharing an experience like this with those in our community.
P.S. Brooke I love you
Thursday, June 5, 2008
morning thoughts (the lost chronicle)
The sun will be up soonand the day will begin, I am asking myself agan, "who are you and what are you doing here?" It seems almost simple to answer as i walk through the brambles, the sharp thorns cutting my legs as i go. It even seems easy here, in the early morning at the kibbutz. But who are we really? what are we really doing here? why is it such a difficult question at home where things become practiced? what does it take to know no matter where you are or what you are doing. Sitting in the ancient bathouse on a toilet that is at least 1300 years old, the greek in me says, "hay this is pretty comfortable, i could use this." It makes me think however, how often do i get sucked in by that very kind of thinking. toilets aren't bad, if fact they are one of my favorite inventions. think of what life would be like in a city of a million people if there were no toilets. i know right. i also realize that the hellenistic way of life lead to where i was the toilet. Rome, because of its depraived society, was destroyed by farmers with sticks and rocks. it would be like if Uganda conquered the United States. i also see the difference in the world views and even now by looking at the ruins you can tell what they valued. in the jewish cities, you find large houses with many chambers extending off a common court yard, narrow roads, and every synagogue has a school. in the Roman cities you find all these decadent buildings, theaters, arenas, public spas, shopping centers. they have wide roads paved with cut stones and drains, and gymnasiums which you would attend naked because man is the measure of all things. In the Jewish ruins it is clear that family was the ceter, that they desired community above all else, and sometimes hundreds lived in the same house. In the Roman ruins self was the center, pleasure and finding what was right for you was what guided their liveseach having their own big house. as i am asking myself, i ask you to ask with me, what would my ruins tell the world? breakfast is starting but i will leave you with this, "big is the gate and wide is the road that leads to destruction, but narrow is the road that leads to life."
P.S. Brooke I still love you
this is the one that was lost
by the Jordan
today was one of the best days we have had yet. we started off the day by going to the Jordan river, it was amazing to be there in that place again. we had two high school students that got baptized for the first time there, it was amazing. but for me that wasn't the best part. first i got to help while Emily and Caleb did mikvah in the Jordan and then do it myself. i also prayed for our community in general and many of you specifically there. i hope to be bringing home water for the church from the Jordan. one of the prayers i had for our community was Psalm 133. it could be the most improtant Psalm for a community in my opinion, sorry you will have to look it up. also during calebs 16 rite of passage dinner i read him a verse from Jeremiah 12:5 and it says; "if you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if you are worn out on flat ground, what will you do in the thickets by the Jordan?" I told caleb that he was a man that i would be proud to walk through the thickets with and today we walked through those thickets. i wept. it was awesome to see so many people desperately seeking to follow G-d with all their heart, with all their soul, and all their might. it brings me great joy to think that one day i will trudge through the thickes by the Jordan with many of you. I took a rock and wrote the Riverside community on it and placed it on top of another rock by the river as a standing stone to all that may come. i wrestled with G-d over you and i believe we will see great things in our community.
we also went to Bet She'an, it was hot, getting to 120F we had to move through it fairly wuickly but it still makes me sad. Alexander the Great was willing to do way more to promote his world view than christians are willing to today with theirs. we spend so much on so little and when it come to showing people the love of jesus we don't have enough. breaks y heart.
we came back to the hotel early but wnet past it down to the dock where a big wodden boat met us and took us across the Sea of Galilee. as we are leaving the dock i ask the man, can i drive? "come, come" he says and i steered the boat across the sea. it was a great experience to think of Jesus and his disciples following a similar path as they made their way to the decapolis. don't worry dad you would have been proud as i captained our boat. we went up to susita and talked about witnessing, and some of the people shared theirs. my heart aches for somee of these people as they have dealt with some difficult tragedies. once again mh heart yearns to be with you all here sharing our lives, walking the same paths, encouringing each other because we can do it. it brings tears to my eyes to think that one day we might help each other over the rocks in timna or through the rushing water of the Jordan. trying to see what it is like to truely live in G-ds type of community.
I know there is not much teaching from me, my hope is that in October we will be here again together. it is too hard to try to explain in the time that i have what we learned, but know that my heart is pleading for you and my spirit will not give up until G-d blesses us. I pray that we will "stand at the crossroads and look, ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it. then we will find rest for our souls"
P.S. Brooke I still love you
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
real quick
P.S. brooke i Love you more
early evening
P.S. I Brooke I love you
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
good morning
P.S. Brooke I love you.
Yesterday was awesome as well, highlighted by a visit to Qumran the home of the Essenes, and probably better know as the place where the dead sea scrolls were found.
Anyway I don't really know how much more I should blog because A)It doesn't look like anyone is reading, at least not commenting:)and B)Every minute cost money which goes back to point
If any of you read this I hope everything is going well:)
the triangle
P.S. Brooke I love you
Monday, June 2, 2008
brooke's typing too
Love Tben
here comes the sun
Brooke brad and shallon and thier 7 month old are moving to Israel in two weeks to study. brad seems very excited and was very excited to see me but i think he called scott a pansy, i don't know. oh and i need to work on my sunscreen skills.
P.S. Brooke I still love you
Tears in the Desert
P.S. Brooke, I Love you
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Desert and The SPURS (G-d's Team)
On the SPURS side of things I got to vent a little on my hatred for the boston/l.a.(all lowercase) series on about a two hour bus ride yesterday...while it did help to vent I'm still in agony over it. PLEASE G-D CAN THEY BOTH JUST LOSE!
I hope all is well at home. Everything here is amazing and i can't wait to get home and see all of you(especially Emma because i haven't seen you in forever!)
early in the morning
its funny brooke that you don't think i am funny because everyone here does so whatever. i just wanted to make sure people were loving on you and thought that would seal it for sure. i love you and no ps i love you is not healthy for boys to watch. i will say one other thing, i had the pleasure of walking with craig and becky yesterday down from Timna, becky has no knees, arthritis has nearly ruined them. going down was very hard for her and she wept over not thinking she could make it. but her husband craig held her and nearly carried her the whole way. which being that it was like 2 and a half miles and dropped more than the snake path at masada(2700 feet) was a humbling experience to watch, he could easily be at the front if he wanted. it was an amazing example of what a husband should be and makes my eyes water everytime i think of it. i am sorry honey that i am not that for you. so husbands out there get it together we look pretty sorry right now.
be strong, be strong, and be couragous.
P.S. Brooke I love you.