Wednesday, June 4, 2008

early evening

well today we had a great day, we started the day at a place that is very special to me, a place i like to call Gamla. this is where the zealots lived during the time of Jesus, biblially it says Jesus spoke in all the synagogues in the area and the only one for that time that was not built on top of. so the bema could very possibly be the same one Jesus spoke on. that is so cool. but it has more significance for me because most likely if i had lived during that time i ight have died there fighting the Romans. we left there and driving through the war torn Golon heights we went to Caesarea Phillipi. the Golon height do not look like they seem on TV. No war, no bullets, no bombs. it was a beautiful sight and was safe than spring branch road. by the way RVL and Todd say hello. well tonight we get to talk with Kojak. for those of you who don't know Kojak is the one who made my ring here and he looks exactly the same. Gamla is a good reminder that we cannot use the worlds techniques to try to bring about G-d's will we must use G-d's way to bring about his will. Well emily keeps looking at me like she thinks because this is her computer she should get to use it. so write to you all soon, oh and i got us a mission trip to Canada, OH Ca na Da.


P.S. I Brooke I love you


jewels said...

Hey Ben, I'm with Terri and Lynn--keep on bloggin'. It is our heart thread to you. It is amazing to read what you and Caleb post everyday. Thanks for the descriptions of the trip. We'll take up a collection for the cost. I'll be headed to your house on Friday. I'm sorry you won't be there, but I didn't want Brooke to be lonesome on her birthday. You are in my thoughts daily--I'll keep praying for your feet! Love you! Julia

The Gilberts said...

The Gilberts are reading; just didn't know I could leave a comment! I get it now, sort of. Thank you for all the sharing and we can't wait to have a nice, long dinner when you get back and hear all about it.

Praying for all of you!

Angela Gilbert

raenette said...

Ben, I'm excited to hear the wisdom you bring back. Thank you for sharing it with the Tuesday Night Crew. Good luck with the rest of your trip. We miss you.


P.S. I love you Ben
P.S.S. Change your underwear...