Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Sunday in Uganda

Hello Everyone,

Today was a good day. We got to worship with the students at Musana's chapel. After an hour of singing and dancing, we had a wonderful lesson from Susan, a staff member at Musana. We read Psalm 119:94-105, and Susan spoke on the importance and blessings of reading God's Word consistently. She did a beautiful job of making the lesson understandable to the kids, but also applicable for anyone else listening. After church, the team had a quick rest and lunch. We then got some really good quality time with the students of Musana. We got to help them sort beans for that week's meals. They poured out bags and bags on the tables and we took out all of the grass and 'bad beans' from the good beans. Honestly, that was one of my favorite parts of the day. It was really therapeutic and I got to make friends with the kids at my table. We got to go to the library later on and read some good books to the kids. I was handed a book on spiders to read to a group of girls. Some of the pictures were a little too much for us. For the scariest pictures, one of the students Sharon would say, "Oh, I have fear!" Could not have said it better. Spiders: yuck. For dinner we walked through the village and went to Sol Café. Once we got back to our little compound at Musana, the team and some other American visitors made a fire and ended the day with some good old smores. Today, God really spoke to me about being at peace in the midst of a busy day. Being calm and not allowing chaos into your heart and actions is a choice. God has blessed our team with yet another day filled with opportunities to build relationships and love on some of His kids (and learn about spiders). Thanks for reading (and hello to my family, I love you!!) - Hannah


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you too Hannah! Thanks for the post!