Wednesday, July 15, 2015

From sunrise to sunset

The morning began early, at 6am, for a hike to watch the sunrise from Pride Rock. We walked through the village until the highway. As we were walking, the Lord brought to my attention the crowing of roosters. That heartfelt cry is like his cry for us. Just a bit past the highway we stumbled upon this giant chunk of some type of granite, out of nowhere. We made it to pride rock, watched the amazing sunrise, and took a zillion pictures. We then had Vicki lead us into a sweet devotion, that applied to stumbling during our hike as well as walking on smooth pavement. We are all in need of Jesus, "Through the calm and through the storm."


We came back to Musana for breakfast and split off for our assigned projects. The artists (and Jen) started a mural on the Nursery building wall while the bookworms (and Sue) went to work in the library.  Hannah had drawn out a sketch of a beautiful landscape that our Musana friends loved.  They got to work, one stroke at a time, which several hours later produced an amazing, sweet God inspired painting. They have a still a few details to finish tomorrow. 


Meanwhile, us nerds hit the books. Musana has been blessed with a room full of books however we wanted to help out in organizing them.  Judy and I were giddy as we ran across many of our favorites. Vicki shared her love of Bear Snores On, Sue stumbled upon Owen and Tamara relived her girls' past reads. We made great progress in a few hours but will need to spend just a bit longer to finish up.


We were graciously served lunch and got to eat with the teachers during their hour long and duty free lunch. After a quick potty break, the adventurous afternoon began…WE RODE ON BODA BODAS! Yes, through the streets of Uganda! What a memory I will cherish! We went to visit a Musana women's project that makes tie dyed fabric and is added to the many crafts sold for sustainability. We were welcomed with singing, clapping and dancing. Edward, a Musana social worker, introduced everyone. Then the work began! They showed us how the process is started, all the steps in between and we were shocked with the end result. Simply beautiful!


We all had unique perspectives by the time we returned. Through my eyes, I witnessed tender love given to the babies of these strong, hard working, resourceful women. I don't know if I've ever seen such beautiful love as I've seen here in Uganda. It is indescribable. How blessed I am to have been brought here to witness love like this!


May G-d bless you and keep you!








Faith said...

Love love love!! And I can't believe you rode a Boda Boda!!! Cray Cray! Lol

Praying for you all!

Much love,


Cheta said...

A great picture of a devoted group of women!